Location: Virginia, United States

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Taking a Leap of Faith

Some thoughts I need to ponder at a time when I need to make an important decision about my work and lifestyle:

And then the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.- Anais Nin, Danish diarist

What leaps of faith are you willing to take? Trying new things can give you a real zest for life. Pushing beyond your comfort zone in a responsible way helps you grow confidence and creativity that you can apply to your everyday life. Do not let fear control what you do (or don't) do? While taking risks can be scary, doing nothing is a big mistake, as it produces nothing fruitful within you. There is a direct relationship between the things that we achieve and the effort we put forth to obtain them. To reach the fruit, you have to climb the tree first!


Blogger Karen said...

Oh, I like that! We take some risks every day but some are more worth the risks than others. I always thought I'd take a leap of faith to fall in love, and that will happen when the time is right.

I took a leap of faith when I went back to school and I'm so happy I did.


11:06 AM  

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