Terms of Endearment
"Fuzzy Wuzzy" - my mom called me that when I was a toddler because I had no hair.
"Beady Mouse Eyes" - my dad called me that because I had intense dark brown eyes. My dad was big on nicknames. I can't explain these other ones he gave me. His nicknames were continually morphing into something else. "Esperanza Dilg," "Ranza Cootz," "Poochellica." "Poochie," "Sophia."
Grandpa's nicknames for me: "Susie-Q" and "Susalaar."
Grade school nickname: "Vicks Vapo-Rub"
Jr. high school nickname: "Twiggy"
High school nicknames: "Glamour Girl" - from my orthodontist!
"Vick-Vick", "Brown Eyed Girl" Also "Sinner Woman", "Evil Woman", "Eve" - because I was the only female member of the notorious Pancho Villa gang and I'd been romantically linked to each member at one time or another. "Miss Vickie", "Mrs. Vickie, the Polyandrist" - flirted alot & had a lot of ex-boyfriends I was still on friendly terms with. "Olagolario" - I dreamed this was the name of tuna fish sandwiches on a restaurant menu.
College nicknames: "Miss Rubbermug" - I liked to make people laugh by making funny faces. "Woman" - I tutored my roomies in the fine art of flirting. "Koyemki" - Mudhead Kachina doll from a Hopi roommate. I took her nickname as a high form of praise.
Nicknames from old boyfriends: "Vic", "Miss Victoria Susan", "Good Old Vic", "Sugar Booger", "Honey Bunny", "Va-va-va-Voom", "Tori".
Nicknames from my children and grand-children: "Mommeeee", "Nana"
And ironically, there are no nicknames or terms of endearment from the man I've been married to for 34 years.